
D-7 - END of CALL FOR APPLICATION - International Summer School on public policy - Venezia-Padova edition

IPPA News - Deadline : 05/04/2019



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There are only 7 days left to apply for the International Summer School on public policy - Venezia-Padova edition (July 8-13, 2019). This year's Summer School's theme is “Democratic Governance, Policy Innovation and Learning”.


It is an amazing and unique experience for PhD students and young scholars who during one week attend Courses on Public Policy and Workshops on their Research Projects in small groups given by internationally renowned scholars such as Claudio RadaelliSusanna Borras or Eva Thomann.




Each PhD student and young scholar will have the opportunity to follow:

-Lecture sessions held by an international scholar, including an interactive discussion. Participants will be required to read a certain number of articles to each lecture.

-Case study sessions

-Workshops sessions to discuss participant's research projects or research article. Each project will be discussed for 1 hour.



To apply

1) Log in or create an IPPA account,

2) Click to "I want to apply" button (at the top of the Summer School's page)

3) Upload your application folder.

- Must be presented in a PDF document and should be approximately 3 pages long. 

- Should include applicant's CV and cover letter.



Fees and Grant

The Registration fee for the Summer School is: 


250€ for IPPA Members (individual and institutional).

Please note that the IPPA membership fee for 2019-2020 is 40€ for PhD students and 120€ for others.

300€ for non-IPPA members

 *FREE for participants who have been awarded the Italian Political Science Association's grant (+350€ offered to cover flight). Limited upon availability.


For more information on the Venezia-Padova Summer School edition 2019 


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