Summer cover



Schedule Plan Overview


Morning: Welcome and Introductions (Ciambetti, Zittoun, Righettini and Howlett)

Afternoon: Introductions to Working Groups (Howlett, Domorenok and Nesti)

Evening: Visit to Piazza San Marco



Morning: Patterns of policy formulation and change: mechanisms and dynamics (Capano)

Afternoon: Working Groups (Domorenok and Capano)

Evening: Free



Morning: Learning in policymaking. From formulation to evaluation (Dunlop)

Afternoon: Learning for what? (Dunlop)

Evening: Visit to the Giotto’s Scrovegni Chapel



Morning: Roundtable discussion: Participation in policy formulation: instruments for better learning (Howlett, Capano, Zito and Graziano) 

Afternoon: Working Groups (Howlett and Righettini)

Evening: Visit to the Anatomic Theatre, Bo’ Palace



Morning: Collective entrepreneurship and learning: the environmental policymaking processes (Zito)

Afternoon: Working Groups (Domorenok and Zito)

Evening: Free



Morning: Groups’ Presentations and Discussion (Righettini and Domorenok)

                Closing Remarks


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