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IPPA launched its first International e-summer schools on public policy, free of charge to its PhD members
The E-summer schools were organized in three formats: E-Workshops, E-Atelier, and E-talks,
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In response to the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak and the postponement of our events, the International Public Policy Association decided to launch its first e-Summer Schools. The aim of the series of e-Summer Schools was to allow our individual members to speak about specific Public Policy topics, have a  discussion on their current research,  or get feedback on their article writing. All the e-Summer Schools were offered online by internationally renowned scholars. 

These e-Summer Schools were free of charge to IPPA Individual Members, who are currently Ph.D. candidates. 

IPPA launched 3 formats of the e-Summer Schools:

1. e - Atelier for Ph.D. Students on Policy Design & Processes

The e-Atelier aims at discussing the “ State of the art” on a specific macro-theme, such as policy change, policy design, gender and public policy, climate change policies, theories of public policies, among others. The research questions of the Ph.D. students interested in a specific e-Atelier have to be linked to the macro-theme of the Atelier. Each e-Atelier is designed for small groups to allow a fruitful discussion with the scholar and peers and is organized during 2 or 3 sessions depending on the Atelier. 

For more information regarding e-Atelier please click here.

2. e - Talk with International Scholars

The e-Talk offers the chance to a small group of IPPA Individual Members (around 8-12) to discuss in 1 to 3 sessions with a senior or middle-career scholar their last article, book or research stream. The topics selected range from policy ideas to the political processes of policymaking.

For more information regarding e-Talk please click here.

3. e - Workshop for Ph.D. Students on Research Design

The e-Workshop will provide a specific methodological and analytical framework allowing first-year PhDs students to clarify and refine their research questions and/or learn how to organize and analyze collected data (interviews, media, reports, etc.). It is designed for small groups of Ph.D. students (around 5-10) that will meet with the scholar and peers online for 2 or 3 sessions depending on the e-Workshop. 

For more information regarding e-Workshop please click here.

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