Summer cover

International Scholars

International Scholars


The 2018 International Summer School on Public Policy Venezia-Padova will feature four distinguished international scholars:



 Mike Howlett is Professor BSocSci. MA(Br Col), PhD (Queen's) is Burnaby Mountain Chair in the Department of Political Science at Simon Fraser University and Professor in the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore. He specializes in public policy analysis, political economy, and resource and environmental policy. Professor Howlett taught at Queen's University (1986-1988) and the University of Victoria (1988-1989) before coming to SFU and was Visiting Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore (2009-2010 and Yong Pung How Chair Professor 2013-2017) and the Universita degli studi di Cagliari (2012).



Anthony R. Zito is Professor of European Public Policy at Newcastle University. Dr Zito is currently Co-Director of the Jean Monnet Centre for Excellence at Newcastle University and Co-Editor of the leading international environmental journal, Environmental Politics. His research focused on governance, learning theory, networks, and European Union decision-making. He has authored numerous journal articles and two monographs: Creating Environmental Policy in the European Union (2000) and Environmental Governance in Europe (2013, with R. Wurzel and A. Jordan). During 2000-200, Zito was co-investigator (with R. Wurzel and A. Jordan) in the ESRC Future Governance Programme Project entitled ‘Innovation in Environmental Governance:  a Comparative Analysis of New Environmental Policy Instruments.’ Dr. Zito was a 2007 Leverhulme Fellow. He is currently Co-Investigator in the EU Horizon 2020 grant project entitled: Critical Heritages: performing and representing identities in Europe.



 Giliberto Capano is a Professor of Public Policy at the University of Bologna. He specializes in comparative public policy, governance arrangements and dynamic, higher education policy, policy change. His work in English has been published in several books and in journals such as: Higher Education, Journal of Legislative Studies, Higher Education Policy, Public Administration, Southern European Society and Politics, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Journal of European Public Policy, Comparative Education Review, Policy and Society, Policy Sciences, European Political Science. Recently he has co-edited (with M. Howlett and M. Ramesh) Varieties of Governance, Palgrave 2015, and coauthored (with M. Regini and Matteo Turri), Changing Governance in Universities, Palgrave 2016.




 Claire Dunlop is a Professor of Politics and Public Policy at the University of Exeter, UK. Claire has published more than 50 peer-reviewed pieces and various edited volume. She has supervised many PhD dissertations at Exeter and examined doctoral projects across Europe. Claire is currently Editor of Public Policy and Administration. Claire and her colleague at Exeter - Professor Claudio Radaelli - have developed a research agenda on learning as a theoretical lens on the policy process; this seminar is the product of this joint intellectual effort.


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