Insecurities, policies and far right party support - Tim Vlandas

Insecurities, policies and far right party support - Tim Vlandas

Policy Issues


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Insecurities, policies and far right party support - Tim Vlandas

Tim Vlandas discusses "Insecurities, policies, and far right party support" in his plenary talk at the Fourth International Conference on Public Policy, in Montreal, Canada. 



Halikiopoulou , D. and Vlandas , T. 2015) The Rise of the Far Right in Debtor and Creditor European Countries: The Case of European Parliament Elections. The Political Quarterly. Volume 86, Issue 2, April June 2015, Pages 279 288.

Halikiopoulou , D. and Vlandas , T. (2016) Risks, Costs and Labour Markets: Explaining Cross?National Patterns of Far Right Party Success in European Parliament Elections. Journal of Common Market Studies , volume 54, Issue 3, pages 636 655.

Vlandas , T. and Halikiopoulou , D. (2018) Does unemployment matter? Economic insecurity, labour market policies and the far right vote in Europe. European Political Science, online first.

Halikiopoulou , D. and Vlandas , T. (2019) What is new and what is nationalist about Europe’s new nationalism? Explaining the rise of the far right in Europe. Nations and Nationalism , Volume25, Issue2, April 2019, Pages 409 434.

Halikiopoulou , D. and Vlandas , T. 2018) Far right and welfare state policies. Conference paper, 2018 European Social Policy Network Association Conf.

Vlandas , T. and Halikiopoulou , D. 2018) The winning anti immigration coalition: Concerns over the economic and cultural impact of immigration and far right party success in Europe, 2018 American Political Science Association Conf.

Vlandas , T. Giani , M. and Halikiopoulou , D. (2019) Not all insecurities feed the far right equally: Terrorism, economic insecurity and cultural concerns. Work in progress.

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